Specify the nature, frequency and extent of the audit to be performed, bearing in mind that any disruption of the program should be avoided. Therefore, it may be appropriate for some participants to be represented by several auditors. Some nations are bound by law, statute or general practice to choose specific types of representatives. In the case of an international MoU, where a joint international board of auditors appears appropriate, specify the composition of the board. Determine who should perform the audit. Establish and value any nonfinancial contributions by a participant that are to be reflected in that participant's cost share. This will provide grounds for adjustments to financial contributions. Establish provisions for assessing changes of program costs that may result from such things as inflation, currency fluctuations, and technical changes. Identify any common costs to be shared by the participants and any costs for noncommon requirements to be borne by the participant(s) incurring the costs. Prescribe the method of sharing the costs of the collaborative effort among the participants. Determine who may change the cost ceiling and under what circumstances. Establish a cost ceiling for the arrangement and each participant. The Financial Arrangements section should: If there are no financial implications, this section shall read: “ This MoU will not impose any financial responsibilities on its participants, except that each participant will be responsible for the funding costs it incurs in its own interest, related to the support of the MoU.” Use if the MoU is written in more than one language. Taxes, Customs Duties and Similar Chargesĭisclosure and Use of Technical Information
Use if there are many abbreviations/acronyms or specialized terminology.